These days I’ve been wanting to learn about VFX in general in Roblox, but the Devforum topics or YouTube tutorials don’t help much. I want to learn VFX for things in general, not just for a specific game or a specific style, the problem comes that I DON’T know WHERE or HOW to learn.
I would really appreciate if VFX designers could help me a bit by telling me what I should start with and what external programs I should learn to make professional VFX (so to speak).
Thank you very much!
PS: I have a lot of knowledge about LUAU, so scripting is not something I have to learn, so at this point I’m pretty good. What I’m interested in knowing is what things to start with and some tips you could give me to learn on my own.
I also wanted to say that I have ABSOLUTELY ZERO VFX experience, I know NOTHING, I know how to use very LITTLE particle emitters and all that, but with that I can’t do much.
Well for starters, learning anything new online, I would use YT or other video services. As you said this wasn’t quite working for you, so:
Look up VFX packs in the toolbox, and take each one apart. Look at properties, the way the creator combined multiple different particle emitters, point lights, ect.
Create many particle emitters and fiddle with the properties.
Set a goal for a VFX you want to make, either in a game or solely for testing purposes. Try your very best to make it, it is doable.
If you still really can’t grasp it, that’s okay, don’t worry, these things take time.
Find someone from a roblox development server on discord, whether it be a YouTube channel’s server or the Roblox server itself. Ask this person to teach/help you.
If they’re nice, they’ll do it for free.
There are many ways to learn, but the best way is to immerse yourself in VFX as if you already know what you are doing, and hold that mindset until you really do. Fake it till you make it, best possible mindset for anything involving game development.
Thank you very much for your reply! I will try to be curious and research what I can about VFX and look for people who can help me, but it will take me a lot of time.
Look into After Effects and use particle effects with custom texture support and get involved into Particular. The interface will be intuitive compared to Roblox’s then you’ll intuitively understand possibilities and methods of creating VFX. Roblox doesn’t offer the immediate recognition and therefore it may be hard to come up with potential ideas when using the engine. For example, you know to adjust velocity on the particle and you might seek for a way to do it on Roblox. It helps so much in my experience as an advanced video editor.