How can I look at a specific orientation using the camera type "Scriptable"?

I want to be able to look at a model from a specific direction. The problem is that I don’t what the function name is.

What I tried so far is to write this piece of code to move the camera. The only problem is that I don’t know how to look at some specific orientation.

        -- NOTE: I used the attempt found to fix the paddle focusing bug
        -- here (
        -- to try
        -- to align the camera
        local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera	
        local gameboardPrimaryPart = gameBoard.PrimaryPart -- the part that is needed to focus in order to look at thegame board
        local shouldPrint = true
        wait(4) -- wait 4 seconds to wait for the player to load
        camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
        camera.Focus = focusPart.CFrame
        camera:Interpolate(gameBoard.PrimaryPart.CFrame, focusPart.CFrame +, nil, 1.5), 1)
        camera.CFrame = focusPart.CFrame +, nil, 1.5)

I tried changing the camera look by changing it’s cframe by using various CFrame methods such as :Dots(Vector3) without any success. All it did was changing the view significantly

idk but try this

local part = workspace.Part
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

local tService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local tInfo =
local props = {
CFrame = part.CFrame;

local tween = tService:Create(camera,tInfo,props)


So the CFrame is always going to be consistent with the faces of the object. If you position the Camera to the CFrame + Left or Right of it, whatever orientation you want and then do the LookAt function, it should give you the desired result if I’m reading this right.

Your current code isn’t going to work right because you’re adding a CFrame and Vector3, which are two different data types. Try doing focusPart.CFrame *,0,1.5)

It does work. CFrame addition with Vector3 work because there is a part of the CFrame that has a Vector3 in it

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So are you just talking about needing CFrame lookAt? ( Vector3 pos, Vector3 lookAt )

I ended up fixing the issue by using the constructor, Vector3) to correct where it look at using the position of the model relative to my view block and the correct Normal Id. Here is how my code now look like:

        -- NOTE: I used the attempt found to fix the paddle focusing bug
        -- here (
        -- to try
        -- to align the camera
        local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera	
        local gameboardPrimaryPart = gameBoard.PrimaryPart -- the part that is needed to focus in order to look at thegame board
        local shouldPrint = true
        wait(2) -- wait 4 seconds to wait for the player to load
        camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
        camera.Focus = focusPart.CFrame
        camera:Interpolate(gameBoard.PrimaryPart.CFrame, focusPart.CFrame +, nil, 1.5), 1)
        camera.CFrame = focusPart.CFrame +, nil, 1.5)
        usefulFunctions.conmparePrint(focusPart.CFrame +, nil, 1.5), camera.CFrame)
        --camera.CFrame =, Vector3:FromAxis(Enum.Axis.Back))
        camera.CFrame =, Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Left))
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Didn’t even realize you could get the normal direction directly, that’s good to know lol

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The more you know! I am glad I helped other peoples

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