Hello! I want to make a game where players can get a stand and then it will display their shirts on a Gui for people to purchase. Is there a way to do this? I want it to be kind-of like Pls Donate’s system https://www.roblox.com/games/8737602449/PLS-DONATE-NEW?gameSetTypeId=100000003&homePageSessionInfo=806f375e-74c0-4f26-996b-e371a0d70095&isAd=false&numberOfLoadedTiles=6&page=homePage&placeId=8737602449&position=0&sortPos=0&universeId=3317679266
This question’s been asked a good number of times recently, try seeing if any of those threads provide you an answer. Here’s a recent one:
I know, NONE of them say how to put it on a Gui
You need to take the data you receive, then loop through that data and create the UI from there.
Something like this:
for i, v in pairs(TShirtData) do
-- Add UI
Make sure to check what the table that is returned looks like, that’s what will help you set up the UI as well.
Cool! thanks! One more thing, were should I put the script? I’m assuming Starter Gui, is this correct?
okay so in the thread given by @colbert2677, in the thread. there is the function getUserGeneratedTShirtsRecursive
witch give u all of the AssetId’s from the Catlog. my best guess is you can use MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo() to get the product info. so you can loop thorugh all those id’s given by that table and check if its on sale or not witch is provided by the GetProductInfo look in the docs for the information you can use with the marketplaceservice funciton.
I have updated the code:
local baseUrl = "https://catalog.roproxy.com/v1/search/items/details?Category=3&Subcategory=13&Limit=30&CreatorName=%s&cursor=%s"
local function getUserGeneratedTShirtsRecursive(username, tshirts, cursor)
tshirts = tshirts or {}
cursor = cursor or ""
local requestUrl = baseUrl:format(username, cursor)
local success, result = pcall(function()
return http:GetAsync(requestUrl)
if success then
if result then
local success2, result2 = pcall(function()
return http:JSONDecode(result)
if success2 then
if result2 then
for _, tshirt in ipairs(result2.data) do
table.insert(tshirts, tshirt.id)
cursor = result2.nextPageCursor
if cursor then
return getUserGeneratedTShirtsRecursive(username, tshirts, cursor)
return tshirts
local username = plr.Name
local userTShirts = getUserGeneratedTShirtsRecursive(username)
print(#userTShirts) --3
print(table.concat(userTShirts, " "))
for i, v in pairs(userTShirts) do
local Template = script.Template:Clone()
Template.Parent = game.Workspace.Map.Booths:WaitForChild(plr.UserId):WaitForChild("DonateSign"):WaitForChild("SurfaceGui"):WaitForChild("Frame")
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
Template.Id.Value = table.concat(userTShirts, " ")
I got it to make the Gui, but when I try to put the product Id's into the values, it keeps the value at zero. Is there a way to fix this?