How can I make a better knockback system for combat

I want to make a knocback system similar to this one in the video:

I tried making it with bodyvelocity but it didn’t seem smooth like this one
(I set networkowner and other stuff but still not smooth)

what should I do?

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local Character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character

local PlayerToPush = “Put Here The Part That you want to be pushed i suggest you put the HumanoidRootPart”

local Push =‘BodyVelocity’, PlayerToPush)
Push.MaxForce =,5000,5000)
Push.Velocity = Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector*28

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Yes I tried with body velocity before but it didn’t seem smooth like I said in the post thanks tho

Have you tried methods such as tweening the max force?

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No what should I tween maxforce to?

Experiment with the value to tween up to, but tween the force back down to 0,0,0 in the end with a Quad style or something similar.