How can i make a body gyro move/rotate in relation to itself and not in relation to the world?

How can i make a body gyro move/rotate in relation to itself and not in relation to the world?

I am currently using this: steerGyro.CFrame = CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(steer)) but this is in relation to the world.

perhaps steerGyro.CFrame = steerGyro.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(...)?
where ... is some locally defined rotation.

you could also just keep a variable that is the current rotation and then change that by adding or subtracting a steer value.

This Doesnt work

I already tried this and this is how it look:

robloxapp-20210719-0847201.wmv (1.3 MB)

As you can see, I’m working on a bike. And I want it to tilt right when I steer to the right and tilt left when I steer to the left. To do this, I rotate a body gyro. In the video, I keep steering to the right, but the tilt always changes direction. This is because the rotation of the BodyGyro is relative to the world and not to itself. Do you know how to rotate it relative to it self?