The Circle is the button you will press, and the arrow is the frame it would open. How can I do this? I also want the script to do this, you can open it, but you can press it again to close it. (No transition needed)
Any help will be appreciated
(Also sorry if it’s terribly written I am on my phone, if you need any more clarification just ask and I will answer asap)
Nah, no frames need to be disabled when you open that frame. I had a open frame, but I just don’t know how to make it open a frame inside another ScreenGui.
Here is my old Script that I am using currently:
for _, v in pairs (script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Frame") then
for _, nV in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
if nV:IsA("TextButton") then
for _, v2 in pairs(nV:GetChildren()) do
if v2:IsA("Frame") then
if v2 == script.Parent.Parent.Frame then
v2.Visible = not v2.Visible
v2.Visible = false
So basically what I want is when you press the ImageButton, it opens the Frame inside “ExclusiveCodes”. But also when you open it, you can click on the button once again to close it as well.
(You can ignore this but I am just explaining my old script. My old script the frame was inside the same textlabel so is just opened that frame inside that TextLabel. But if you know for my old script, how you could make it open the frame inside the other ScreenGui, that could also work)
liek just make two buttons, open, and close. when you click open, open turns off and becomes invisible, and close comes up. and also script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.ExclusiveCodes.Frame.Visible = true. then do the opposite when click close button.
You can try to put a local script in the startergui, not in the gui, also when the game starts the screen guis go to the player so you can try something like local outgui = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("gui").frame.