June 30, 2022, 9:22pm
i wanted to add a tutorial to my game i wanted a button that will go to the next page of the tutorial im not exactly sure how to do this but i was thinking of making a text label that the text changes how would i do this?
also how would i make it so it does that typewriter effect they have in story games
June 30, 2022, 9:32pm
Heyo, developers!
I do not know if anyone would make use of this because of how relatively easy it is to make, but hey. This is basically an open-sourced system that typewrites strings onto a GUI. And yes, this can process numbers, symbols, and emojis.
It runs with one script, and for the most part, is heavily documented.
Note: You’re not required to credit me but if you have a youtube channel featuring this tutorial please do so.
Here’s a link to the uncopylocked place and remember to play …
Hi, I’m making a tutorial for my game and I’m using a simple typewriter effect. But I’ve been finding it tedious to copy and paste the function and then change the text in the text label, is there a more efficient way to do this?
Simply use frames for that, I’d suggest naming them in an easy and simple order [ could be numbers]
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June 30, 2022, 9:37pm
ill try this when i have time thanks!
July 1, 2022, 8:31am
Type Writing function
function typeWrite (object, text)
for i = 1, #text do
object.Text = text:sub(1, i) task.wait(0.05)
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