How can i make a button that resizes a Frame

How can i make a button that resizes a Frame when i press it and stops resizing when i let go.
Kinda like in the Dev Console.

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You should make a boolean variable that displays if the button is pressed.

Get the difference between the x coordinate of the top-left corner of your frame and the mouse x position, and then you do the same thing for the y positions. Then you set the size of the frame. This should be done in a while true loops that runs when the booleans that displays if the button is pressed is true.

I hope this gives an idea of how you could do this.

How can i get the difference between the two points?

Simple math.

PointA - PointB

PointB is the smallest value.

By “PointA - PointB” you mean PointA minus PointB
you can also show me a script example

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local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()

local function GetDifference(A, B) 
   return A-B --Here we're doing what i explained in the reply. 

--This should be in a loop. I suggest RunService:RenderStepped().
local PointA =, 152) --This is the position of the frame's top-left corner. You could get this position by using frame.AbsolutePosition
local PointB =, mouse.Y) --This is the position of the mouse.

local S = GetDifference(PointA, PointB) --This is how big you should make your frame.

--Then you would do: frame.Size =, S.X, 0, S.Y)

Here you go! I hope this gives you a basic understanding about how you should do your math.

it worked but it is the other way around. So when i move my mouse to the right the frame goes left.

local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()

local pressed = false

local function GetDifference(A, B) 
	local S = - A.X, 0, math.huge), math.clamp(B.Y - A.Y, 0, math.huge))
	return S

	if pressed == true then
		local PointA = script.Parent.AbsolutePosition
		local PointB =, mouse.Y) --This is the position of the mouse.
		print(PointA.X ..",".. PointA.Y ..", "..PointB.X ..",".. PointB.Y)
		local S = GetDifference(PointA, PointB) --This is how big you should make your frame.

		--Then you would do: frame.Size =, S.X, 0, S.Y)
		script.Parent.Size =, S.X, 0, S.Y)

I think this is what you want. You just need to add event to change the pressed boolean variable.

it workes but at the same time not as i wnat you can see it in the pic

abd i have no idea how to fix this

local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()

local pressed = false

local function GetDifference(A, B) 
	local S = - A.X, 0, math.huge), math.clamp(B.Y - A.Y, 0, math.huge))
	return S

	if pressed == true then
		local PointA = script.Parent.AbsolutePosition
		local PointB =, mouse.Y) --This is the position of the mouse.
		print(PointA.X ..",".. PointA.Y ..", "..PointB.X ..",".. PointB.Y)
		local S = GetDifference(PointA, PointB) --This is how big you should make your frame.

		--Then you would do: frame.Size =, S.X, 0, S.Y)
		script.Parent.Size =, S.X, 0, S.Y)

I think this is what you want. You just have to change the pressed boolean variable to with events from the button.

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Yes, that worked thank you. :slight_smile:

if you want to play the Game that i use that in, then heres the game link: [ Content Deleted ] - Roblox

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I really enjoyed your game, 00011110 chars

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