How can I make a character equip a tool using a script?

How can I make character equip and unequip a tool using a script? For example, what if I would want to script a button that would make the character equip and unequip some tool.
Also, I would prefer to do that while the player does not have the tool in their backpack. So, for example, your backpack and hands are empty, but if you press a button you equip a tool into your hands, and later if you press another or the same button your character unequips the tool with the tool unequipped event firing and the tool doesn’t appear in the backpack. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance,
Muuuuun :smile:


if not Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") then Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(Tool) end


If you want to do more research, the article about Humanoid:EquipTool() can be found Here.


Thanks to everyone! :smile:
This really helped

Just an FYI that EquipTool will make the tool show up in the backpack and be able to be equipped through normal means (0-9 keys). If you want equipping without the backpack involved at all, you’ll have to make your own tool system that doesn’t involve the Tool instance.

Oh, that’s an issue, thanks, I’ll see what I can do

you can also parent the tool to the character.
tool.Parent = Player.Character

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When I do that, the tool does not weld to the character’s hand.

oh dang. i just tested it. my bad. It used to work.

If I were to make a custom tool system, how would I go about welding the tool to the character’s hand?

There’s many different ways to do this. My current favourite way is to use attachments. I wrote a mini tutorial for someone else on how to do this:


What if it’s an R6 character? How would I attach the handle to the hand then?

EDIT Understood your tutorial, now I understand everything, thanks a lot for your help! :D
Have a nice day!

Works with R6 as well, just there’s fewer joints and thus fewer attachments. I recommend the dummy spawner from the default animation editor to see a humanoid’s natural construct.

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Tool.Parent = character (equips tool)

Tool.Parent = player.Backpack (unequips tool)

That’s won’t weld the tool! It’s going around that that method used to work… I don’t remember that. It’s possible I was dormant at that time.

Update: You should use Humanoid:EquipTool() instead!