How can I make a character selection screen like this?

Hello, usually I build for games, but I’d like to start getting into scripting. The game I’m making is a game that has multiple characters you can play as that all have different type of magical abilities.

I’ve been wanting to make a character selection screen like the one below, but all I can find on youtube are character screens that have custom characters and really dont help me at all. If anyone can help me that’d be great!

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it looks like theres a folder for each category (and a folder for each preset morph), simply add (prob in rep storage) each category, then in gui, add some sort of listlayout, in gui scripts clone a new button and make it intertwined with an iteration from rep storage using for loops and add a mousebutton1click for the image button, once clicked, replace whatever is needed to be replaced from the dummy.


Once you get hold of the basics this will seem pretty easy.
Mainly this uses UI and it’s methods as the main element.
For example :
change the model on the screen

Before going for anything always learn the most core basics and that will lead you to understanding these by yourself.

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this is basically what I mean by going through iterations (even though its a shop system–it has the same principles).