How can I make a classic flag NOT be a tool and be unselectable

Here is the exact outcome I want:

Here is what I have:

I am using roblox’s classic flags and I am 95% sure the first video was, too.

Please do not just say to use a model and not an original roblox flag. I’ve already had my aneurism trying to do that. I can’t.

as you can see, in the first video, the user could not equip his sword after he picked the flag up, and the flag did not appear in his toolbar.

I would like the same thing with my flag, but I do not know how to replicate this.

Can anyone help me?

They just did a check to see if any tools are in the players character, since tools in a player’s character means they are equipped. And if there is no tool equipped, then they weld the flag to the characters hand.

lol how do i do that

You should look into how to do weld, but for the finding if a tool is in the character just use if not player.Character:FindFirstChild(“Flag”) then

is that how i disable the tool?

Oh, you just won’t want to use a tool for the flag. Just take the parts out of the tool, and use those instead of a tool

yea there is no option for tool.