Hello my name is spideyalvaro999
Im writting this post because I want to make a coin spawner and I dont know how. I mean with coin spawner toa system that when you pay for example 1000 coins and you press the button od purchase, a car is spawn. Also that when you come more times to the game, you dont have to pay another 1000 coins, but you can pick that car you payed.
(My idea was to make one spawner for one car)
Thank you for spending your time reading this
You want to know how to make a car spawn if the player has enough coins?
If so, check this video by @Alvin_Blox,
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You should learn how Datastores, leaderstats and remotevents work.
@Crrustyy has supplied a video for the car spawner.
As for the database, you can read up on it in the API: Data Stores | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
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Yeah I’ve been working with those things a lot in the past. But I will revise it to make it good