How can I make a compass like the one in Bloxfruits?

I’ve been doing a lot of researching and I for some reason can’t find any tutorials or solved problems about compasses.

I made a somewhat working compass but whenever the TargetPart leaves the screen the compass just faces the wrong direction / having a wrong rotation. (I’m using WorldToScreenPoint()).

I want to make a compass like in Bloxfruits where the compass still moves even if the location isn’t on the screen.


The way i’d do it is Simply getting the CurrentCamera’s Look Vector, Canceling out the Y Axis and you end up with a x,z directions that you can use to rotate the compass

Also i would get the Look Vector from my Camera Position to the Target position and i’d use that

You may want to look at these sources, and make a conclusion from them.

  1. A Simple Linear Compass to Encompass All of Your Directional Desires!
  2. How to make a Basic Compass System
  3. Replied Answer
  4. Spinning compass
  5. Compass system (Not Solved)
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I made one for you.
Compass.rbxm (8.6 KB)