How can I make a compass like the one in Bloxfruits?

I’ve been doing a lot of researching and I for some reason can’t find any tutorials or solved problems about compasses.

I made a somewhat working compass but whenever the TargetPart leaves the screen the compass just faces the wrong direction / having a wrong rotation. (I’m using WorldToScreenPoint()).

I want to make a compass like in Bloxfruits where the compass still moves even if the location isn’t on the screen.


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The way i’d do it is Simply getting the CurrentCamera’s Look Vector, Canceling out the Y Axis and you end up with a x,z directions that you can use to rotate the compass

Also i would get the Look Vector from my Camera Position to the Target position and i’d use that

You may want to look at these sources, and make a conclusion from them.

  1. A Simple Linear Compass to Encompass All of Your Directional Desires!
  2. How to make a Basic Compass System
  3. Replied Answer
  4. Spinning compass
  5. Compass system (Not Solved)
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I made one for you.
Compass.rbxm (8.6 KB)