How can I make a door open both ways?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve?

I want to make a door open both ways depending on which side you are on

  1. What is the issue?

I am not quite sure how to achieve this, I am also a beginning scripter so I am looking for a bit of guidance/help :smiley:

  1. What solutions have you tried so far?

I have tried going on YouTube, and looking on here and I have not found anything I am trying to look for

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Did you solve the problem? If not, do you have a functional door that works on one side? iā€™d like to see the script.


The door should be attached to another object which, letā€™s call it ā€œHingeā€, In the script you need to use ā€œTweenServiceā€ so Hinge moves, and make another object (we are going to call it ā€œfront doorā€) that is attached to Hinge move via a WeldConstraint, if you have a functional door that works on one side, you could try implementing another object like door but with a different name (ā€œback doorā€ could be), you need to attach it to Hinge via a WeldConstraint.

Next step is make the local for back door and the prompt for it, example of my door:

local frontdoor =
local hinge = script.Parent.hinge
local frontprompt = frontdoor.ProximityPrompt

local backdoor = script.Parent.backdoor
local backprompt = backprompt.ProximityPrompt

Hereā€™s the TweenService usage i did:

local goalOpen = {}
goalOpen.CFrame = hinge.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(-90), 0) -- The -90 is the Rotation degree, change it to your preference.

local goalClose = {}
goalClose.CFrame = hinge.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, 0) -- This is the position that it's gonna acquire when closing; everything is at 0 so it returns to its original position.

local tweenInfo = -- This the time it's gonna take to open or close
local tweenOpen = TweenService:Create(hinge, tweenInfo, goalOpen)
local tweenClose = TweenService:Create(hinge, tweenInfo, goalClose)

Youā€™re gonna need to make a local function so Front and Back sync:

local isOpen = false

local function Syncprompts(actiontext)
frontprompt.Actiontext = actiontext
backprompt.Actiontext = actiontext

Now youā€™re gonna need to use the backprompt and frontprompt:

    if IsOpen then
    isOpen = false
    Syncprompts("Open") -- Change this to the text you want; this is the text that it's going to show on the object that the ProximityPrompt is in when the door is Closed.
    isOpen = true
    Syncprompts("Close") -- Change this to the text you want; this is the text that it's going to show on the object that the ProximityPrompt is in when the door is Open.

   if IsOpen then
   isOpen = false
   isOpen = true

Hope this helped, if this didnā€™t help you, try sending me the code and i would mind checking it.

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