How can I make a game look like it's underwater?

I want to make a water themed game and I am having a hard time making it look like the character is underwater. What lighting settings should I use? I don’t want to use terrain water because I don’t want the physics and it might cause performance issues.


Use a semi-transparent frame to give a blue tint, possibly tweening the transparency to fluctuate randomly. Light distorts and weakens when passing through water so perhaps a darker tint with depth of the player and moving waves of light. Limit the player vision to a certain radius too


Along with what other users in the post have said, you could try messing around with the lighting, and add lots of fog. I also recommend adding bubble particles to things, and make sure any particles you use have very low gravity.

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Colorcorrection can give the same tinting effect, and IMO a better tinting effect than a GUI frame.