How can I make a GUI in Photoshop or any software and implant it in Roblox?

How can I make a GUI in Photoshop or any software and implant it in Roblox?


This is quite a broad question, so I will go through it step–by-step.


The most important questions you should ask in the beginning are thus:

  • What aesthetic will my UI design have?
  • How can that aesthetic be achieved?

These questions help determine exactly how you will go about making a UI, and indeed will dictate the entire design process. Here, I will divide aesthetics into two distinct categories: simplistic and complex. Below are some examples of both.




Creation Process


This category of UI design can be achieved almost entirely in Roblox Studio through clever usage of scripted frames and images. There are a great many tutorials online on how to achieve different looks. Generally however, this UI design relies mostly on solid colours (and frequently some visually-pleasing tweening).

Here is an example of what can be achieved with Studio in quite a short amount of time, including the new UIGradient feature.

I achieved this by using two frames and a few text labels and text buttons, as well as the UIGradient modifier. Not too complicated, and a good result!

If you are interested in animated UI designs, here is an example of an intro bit I did for what may turn into a proper project of mine. Just goes to show that Studio alone can do quite a bit!



This is probably the category that you specifically mean. Fortunately, once you have the designs themselves (which is up to you in how you do it - there are lots of different softwares for creating images, such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator), it is fairly straightforward. Let’s take a look at the example of a complex UI that I showed above again, but this time with some highlighted areas and explanations.

Highlighted UI

The areas highlighted in red are buttons that can be uploaded as individual images to allow for them to be specifically selected and to apply effects to them, such as the darkened version of the plus on the right side.

The areas highlighted in green are text that can be handled in Roblox Studio itself.

The rest of the design, that is to say the background, can be uploaded as a separate image.

But how do we get these images into Roblox?

Importing The Images

This is the most straightforward part of the process. Once you have designed the images which will make up your UI background and any buttons (etc), you can insert an image button or image label and add the image.


This part of the properties menu is where you can upload an image directly into Roblox Studio, which will automatically become a decal. Below this you will find the ‘ScaleType’ option, which in most cases should be set to Fit rather than the default Stretch. This will mean that your images won’t get all stretched out and weird on screens with unusual aspect ratios.

Once you have done that, you can position the images on the screen (be sure to make good use of buttons being children of backgrounds and so on to ensure it does not end up looking weird). You can use a clever combination of Offset and Scale for this, though I recommend the latter, as it is more consistent across different resolutions and screen sizes. You can test this by using the buttons just above the viewport (the screen actually showing the game) to emulate different resolutions and screen sizes.

With additional scripting, the UI will work as intended. Particularly for simple designs, I recommend tweening for maximum beautification.

If I have missed the mark with my answer or you have any other questions, feel free to reply to this post.


Well Said! @NorthEternal