Hi, I am trying to make a helicopter that shoots a player. I have made the shooting script, but I came across a problem.
How can I make the helicopter constantly move and aim at the player ?
This is an example of what I am trying to do. The helicopter starts where it is currently located, and flies in a straight line to the building ( the red arrow ).
After that, it starts firing at player, when the player moves, it slowly readjusts itself so it is aiming at player again.
When the player starts firing back, the helicopter will follow one of the yellow lines to go around the building, while still firing at player and readjusting.
This is a better example of what I am trying to achieve. At 1:36, you can see the helicopter moving around and firing, I am trying to do something similar, but the helicopter is aiming at the player.
And I’m asking, Is this possible to do?, if yes, then how?