I was wondering how could I make a hold to shoot system. So it shoots the gun as long as you are holding the click button.
Can anyone help?
I was wondering how could I make a hold to shoot system. So it shoots the gun as long as you are holding the click button.
Can anyone help?
Is this for mobile or PC?
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Maybe these could help -
You can use UIS ( User Input Service ) to check if a player is holding down a key, and then make it process something.
Use UserInputService
's InputBegan
and InputEnded
events and set a boolean variable to either true or false.
In addition, you can use ContexActionService
local Tool = script.Parent
local Toggle
local function OnActivated()
Toggle = false
while true do
if Toggle then break end
print("Hello world!")
task.wait(1) --Gun's fire delay.
local function OnDeactivated()
Toggle = true
You can utilize a tool’s activated & deactivated events to achieve this.
Remember to only use loops in localscripts as serversided scripts can cause slight performance issues
you can do like
local firing = false
while (firing) do
-- put your shooting code here
This just isn’t true, a for/while/repeat construct is far more performant than a RemoteEvent/RemoteFunction.
Ah sorry for the misleading. Someone told me that and I just assumed it was true because of the nature of loops
I managed to make it work on PC but when I use the same gun on mobile I have to continuously tap instead of just tap and hold.