How can i make a lock on camera thing like this game?

How can I make a lock on camera thing like this games? Black Magic II: [UPDATE] - Roblox

I want to make a camera lock on thing like for honor and this game but idk how. How can I achieve this?


Can you please be more specific? I don’t understand what it is you want to accomplish. If you want to just move around the camera, like a cutscene, you can do so from a localscript by changing the CurrentCamera’s CFrame.

I want the players camera or mouse to be locked onto another player where they cant move it but they will always be looking at that player.

Check this out: Camera | Roblox Creator Documentation

ive seen this property is this how it works

Yes. First do this:

local CurrentCam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
CurrentCam.CameraType = "Scriptable"
CurrentCam.Focus = (game.Workspace.FocusedObjectHere)

Also check this out: Advanced Roblox Scripting Tutorial #28 - Camera Manipulation (Beginner to Pro 2020) - YouTube

Okay let me try this real quick I didnt know you needed it to be on scriptable also your code for the camera type is wrong I think

Yea I just wrote it super quick.

It does not seem to work am i doing something wrong? heres my code

                            enabled = true
			lockEnabled = true
			humanoid.AutoRotate = false
			humanoid.WalkSpeed = 7
			humanoid.JumpPower = 0
			cam.FieldOfView = 55
			cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
			cam.Focus = game.Workspace.TestDummy.Torso.CFrame

Have you defined “cam”? I don’t see it in your code.

local cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local FocusPart = (game.Workspace.PartYouWantToFocusOn)
cam.CameraType = "Scriptable"
cam.Focus = FucusPart.CFrame

Yes i tried it I dont think this is what focus does

cam is game.Workspace.Currentcamera
i set its type to enum.CameraType.Scriptable
then i set its focus to a Cframe of a dummys torso and it does not work

Try setting the CFrame of Camera.

Ok i watched some of the video and it said It needed to be set to fixed

Ok @Cats767_99 @palarc1 let me refraise what im trying to do I want the players camera to be locked to the player like this

Here is nice link to follow. How to Make : Lock On In Roblox Studios Script - YouTube You can find all the information you need there.

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Insanely helpful you sir are amazing thank you so much!

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if you want me o help you with the script by all mean just message me Glad to help :smiley:

Thanks for the offer I may need a little bit more help but Im gonna try it by myself first this is what I got so far


Really cool! Nicely done! :grinning: