How can I make a lock on camera thing like this games? Black Magic II: [UPDATE] - Roblox
I want to make a camera lock on thing like for honor and this game but idk how. How can I achieve this?
How can I make a lock on camera thing like this games? Black Magic II: [UPDATE] - Roblox
I want to make a camera lock on thing like for honor and this game but idk how. How can I achieve this?
Can you please be more specific? I don’t understand what it is you want to accomplish. If you want to just move around the camera, like a cutscene, you can do so from a localscript by changing the CurrentCamera’s CFrame.
I want the players camera or mouse to be locked onto another player where they cant move it but they will always be looking at that player.
ive seen this property is this how it works
Yes. First do this:
local CurrentCam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
CurrentCam.CameraType = "Scriptable"
CurrentCam.Focus = (game.Workspace.FocusedObjectHere)
Also check this out: Advanced Roblox Scripting Tutorial #28 - Camera Manipulation (Beginner to Pro 2020) - YouTube
Okay let me try this real quick I didnt know you needed it to be on scriptable also your code for the camera type is wrong I think
Yea I just wrote it super quick.
It does not seem to work am i doing something wrong? heres my code
enabled = true
lockEnabled = true
humanoid.AutoRotate = false
humanoid.WalkSpeed = 7
humanoid.JumpPower = 0
cam.FieldOfView = 55
cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
cam.Focus = game.Workspace.TestDummy.Torso.CFrame
Have you defined “cam”? I don’t see it in your code.
local cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local FocusPart = (game.Workspace.PartYouWantToFocusOn)
cam.CameraType = "Scriptable"
cam.Focus = FucusPart.CFrame
Yes i tried it I dont think this is what focus does
cam is game.Workspace.Currentcamera
i set its type to enum.CameraType.Scriptable
then i set its focus to a Cframe of a dummys torso and it does not work
Try setting the CFrame of Camera.
Ok i watched some of the video and it said It needed to be set to fixed
Ok @Cats767_99 @palarc1 let me refraise what im trying to do I want the players camera to be locked to the player like this
Here is nice link to follow. How to Make : Lock On In Roblox Studios Script - YouTube You can find all the information you need there.
Insanely helpful you sir are amazing thank you so much!
if you want me o help you with the script by all mean just message me Glad to help
Thanks for the offer I may need a little bit more help but Im gonna try it by myself first this is what I got so far
Really cool! Nicely done!