Hello there! one of the characters of my game has a grappling hook ability, if you tap it you get a impulse to where it landed, which is easy, but if you hold it you start swinging, how can i make the swinging?
first i thought in using some sort of distance constraint system, but if i do that the speed wont carry over very well nor have a smooth swing
it cannot use CFrame math as it needs to update the root part’s assembly linear velocity, so the speed can be carried over in the form of momentum by my momentum script once the player leaves the swinging state
Tried using Roblox’s RopeConstraint? I might help with your case, since you can’t use CFrames
If that doesn’t work, i tried doing something similar on a terraria mod i was making.
The solution i found is to update the position with physic formulas.
It would be something like this
local Reach = 10
local DistanceVector = Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - Grapple.Position
local Value = 1 -- The less you add here the more that it will streech
local Distance = DistanceVector.Magnitude
local Direction = DistanceVector.Unit
if Distance >= Reach then
local Force = Direction * (Distance - Reach) * Value
if Force < 0 the Force = 0 end
With tje above method you can add the force to a VectorForce that actuates on the RootPart when you grapple
i did try using a ropeConstrain before, but the problem with it was that if the player holds on for too long and get past the 90° degree angle mark, it gets jittery, so i need something that can rotate the velocity
also i didnt test that code yet, but looking at it i can asume it sends the player towards the grapple point?
i’ll try design my own system for now, i think using vector:cross might work
You could use CFrame and trigonometry to create that swing effect because its something like a 0 - 150 degree ish swing. To make it speed up or slow down you’d incrementally increase what you’re adding to the angle to simulate acceleration and deacceleration
interesting, gonna try that!
also vector:cross basically returns the perpendicular of 2 vectors, like, lets say you have a up vector and a forward vector, but not the right vector, if you want the right vector, you need to get the cross between the up and forward vector