How can I make a player go very fast?

I’m currently making a game where you just go incredibly fast.
While I do understand ROBLOX does break at very fast speeds, how can I get there?
Every time I test it, it either doesn’t work, or the maximum possible speed for it isn’t close to what I’m intending.


Put the following code in a script in ServerScriptService

local humanoid = plr.Character.Humanoid
humanoid.Walkspeed = 100000000000000000000000000 -- Change this number to whatever you want

Like below?
robloxapp-20221223-1825284.wmv (1.0 MB)

Go starterplayer in explorer tab and view its proprrties next find the property called WalkSpeed and set it to your desired amount. For you the best amiunt would be 60 or 70.

You can also give the impression of speed using FOV

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Nobody does that and even if they do they always still use walkspeed.

“Nobody does that” is unnecessary. Im offering good advice because like he said, there is a maximum to how fast your character can actually reach, so therefore you can only create the illusion that the character is going faster at a certain point. Increasing FOV makes this capable.


The topic is about how to make a player go fast not how to give the illusion that a player is going fast. The speed he shows in the video is 100% reachable. If you want to give that as a tip you can tell him personally through PM’s. And yes your comment is unnecessary in this specific topic due to the fact that he never asked how he could achieve a illusion.

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There are a few ways you can make a player character move quickly in Roblox:

  1. Use the Humanoid object’s “WalkSpeed” property. This property controls the speed at which the player character moves when using the WASD keys to walk. You can increase the WalkSpeed value to make the player move faster.
  2. Use the Humanoid object’s “JumpPower” property. This property controls the strength of the player character’s jump. Increasing the JumpPower value will allow the player to jump higher and further, which can give the impression of moving quickly.
  3. Use the Character object’s “Sit” function. This function will cause the player character to sit down, which will cause them to move at a faster speed than normal walking.
  4. Use the “MoveTo” function on the player’s character. This function will cause the player’s character to move towards a specific point in the game world at a set speed. You can increase the speed value to make the player move faster.
  5. Use the “SetPrimaryPartCFrame” function on the player’s character. This function allows you to set the position and orientation of the player’s character directly. You can use this function to teleport the player to a new location quickly.

What the heck? Bro that’s just changing the position of a object it’s not even moving. Literally teleporting.

If you calm down a bit, you understand teleportation is the fastest method of movement right? If you run a while true loop and teleport the player in one direction extremely quickly, which solves the problem.

In the video he provided walkspeed is being used! Not sitting no teleporting none of that garbage. He never asked us to go so deep into ways you can do this. He literally asked how they did it in the video and we answered. That’s it. You don’t have to give your most complex/weird response ever guys.

Sure, But in the video they did not do that. I can tell due to the fact that if they did do that it would look very glitchy or you could see little frames skip.

Which video? there is no video on my forum page?

I was responding to this video.

How do you know this it what the post owner wants to create? (unless you were attempting to fix only war44malks) problem, in which case I was not. I was directly typing to the post owner my idea of a solution.

The topic title is simple enough. It does not say what are ways I can make a player move fast. Why do you have to be one of these forumers who is always looking for the most complicated way to do something when the title is simple enough and there is the simplest and best solution to doing this infront of you. Not trying to be rude.

The topic title says “How can I make a player go very fast”, can you not find the similarities to “what are the ways I can make a player move fast”. Ive already sent my list, please dont be offended by it.

Well, if you mean going super fast to intentionally break the physics engine then you can probably abuse some force constraints. If none of the solutions here fit what you’re looking for then you may need to elaborate on exactly what it is you’re after.

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I’m not offended by the fact that you sent a list I respect that alot however a few of the methods you provide on the list aren’t even related to walking.