How can I make a quest dialogue

I’m a bit confused. How to make a dialogue, And I do not really know if I need a ui, And a script. But I’m trying to make a quest dialogue, And to make funny stuff in it. But I just need to see if I need a script, And how the script will be writing. So I can add it to a npc, And other stuff.

Could you elaborate exactly on your style/idea? Is it like NPC dialogue?

Like making dummy talks for quest, Like to pick up a flower or a brick, Or something like that.

You could put a server script inside of a dummy along with a ClickDetector, and use words inside parameters to get the player, and load UI into that player’s PlayerGui. Like this:

local Dummy = script.Parent
local ClickDetector = Dummy:WaitForChild("ClickDetector")
local UI = game.StarterGui:WaitForChild("NameOfYourUI")

local PlayerUI = player.PlayerGui
local UIClone = UI:Clone()
UIClone.Parent = PlayerUI

And for making the actual dialogue (the previous block of code was just for loading it) you could do things normally, like with TextButtons and TextLabels. You’d have to pre-make it, as the server is incapable of executing GUI events.