How can i make a script inside a proximity prompt make all local scripts inside all players characters enabled?

it worked for this one now but it activates all scripts and i dont want that i want only the “Enabler” named local script to be enabled

wait im going to try with name

it works now so its ok i guess

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oh ok i though that you want to enable all the disabled scripts i have an easy fix for that
add a tag to your enabler script name it anything like “Enabler” and then run the scripts it would be more efficient

local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
for _,i in CollectionService:GetTagged("Enabler") do
	i.Enabled = false
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ok nice
character limit aaaaaaa

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i ran in another problem. I tested it on team test and it only works for a single player not for the other one… What do i do?

… i will try it in a team test and tell you

i tried it in team test and it worked try the tag method add Enabler tag to your local script and add this in a server script

local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
for _,i in CollectionService:GetTagged("Enabler") do
	i.Enabled = true

this scripts disable the script for all players the 10 second cooldown is to give time for players to load you can add it without wait inside the proximity prompt

you can add tag by going to properties → tags and then add tag and name it Enabler

wait so i added a string value in my script and named it Enabler but it doesent work idk can you make me a video please?

not a string value just a tag go to properties you will find something called

Tags +

press the + icon and add a tag you can check yt on how to add tags because idk how to record vids

ok wait a sec iimma go search it up rn

okay i did it and it works now im going to test it in team test just to be sure

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ok bro it works thank god thank you so much

np glad it works
character limit