you can use this to enable every local script inside the players folder
for _,plr in game.Players:GetPlayers() do
for _,i in plr:GetDescendants() do
if i:IsA("LocalScript") and i.Enabled == false then
i.Enabled = true -- activate all the local sripts inside all players
it loops through all players and loops through every descendant inside those players if it is a local script and disabled then it will enable it
if you know where the local scripts that you want to disable would be then you can reference it and get its children instead that would be more optimized
Note: you need to do this script inside a server script
if ur using local scripts inside starter character then try this instead of the first one
for _,plr in game.Players:GetPlayers() do
for _,i in plr.Character:GetDescendants() do
if i:IsA("LocalScript") and i.Enabled == false then
i.Enabled = true -- activate all the local sripts inside all players
i tested it and it enabled all the starter character scripts for me if it still didnot work add task.wait(3) at the top if your using it in prompt then no need for task.wait()
run this in server without the prompt just for test and use task.wait
for _,plr in game.Players:GetPlayers() do
for _,i in plr.Character:GetDescendants() do
if i:IsA("LocalScript") and i.Enabled == false then
i.Enabled = true -- activate all the local sripts inside all players
it should print after 5 seconds and disable all scripts