How can I make a script that the GUI will only show to me

Hello, I want to make a script that the GUI will only show to me. but I don’t know how to script that.
I would like to know how I can make this script. Thank you!


Put a Localscript inside the GUI that checks the player’s name or the userid.

heres a quick idea: If Player.Name ~= “Ojnim0702” then Gui:Destroy() end


You could do something similar to

local players = game:GetService("Players")

	if (player.UserId) == yourid then
		yourgui.Visible = true

Make sure to do this in a LocalScript.


A better practice is to use UserId, since the name can change, but the UserId cannot.

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There’s really no need to have to put it in everyone’s StarterGui and then destroy it for people who aren’t you. A simple way would be to put it in ServerStorage and have a script listen for when players join and just clone it to who needs to have itonly

Since I’m assuming the place belongs to you, all you need to do is just use the CreatorId propert of the game to get the UserId

Example, Script in ServerScriptService

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

local ownerGui = --Location of your Gui in ServerStorage

	if player.UserId == game.CreatorId then
		ownerGui:Clone().Parent = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")

Is there also a way to use tools but the backpack ui isn’t there? Like you can’t visibly see the backpack ui but its there


local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")

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-- Simple: Place in ServerScriptStorage

local GUIRef 

    if player.UserId == x then
        local newGui = GuiRef:Clone()
           newGui.Parent = player.PlayerGui

Simple as that really.

If I do that and I do :ball It won’t give me anything

Okay I accidentall replied to the wrong person, just parent it to the Player’s character, sorry scripting1st

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Hi, I have few questions,

  1. Do I have to change the ownerGui to the name of my Gui?
  2. Do I have to change game.CreatorId to game.“my profile Id”?
  3. You said to put the Gui into the ServerStorage, but do I need to duplicate it and put one in StarterGui too? (instead of only putting the Gui into ServerStorage).
    Thank you! :slight_smile:
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In the ownerGui variable, include the location of the gui in ServerStorage, so if the name of the gui is Bob, just do local ownerGui = ServerStorage.Bob

If you are not the owner of the game then yes, if you are, then you can keep it like that

No, because then it’s not needed to do it like this. It’s better to do it like this anyways since you want it so only specific people can use the gui. ALl you really need is the ScreenGui in ServerStorage

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Ok, Thank you! I will test the script now.