How can I make a single script architecture

Hey also I just also realised what this single script architecture is for and just wanted to explain it better to you. Heres an article that explains it well.

this seems right let me try it

it’s on the right path but it gives me an error and this is what I’m trying to do but I’m trying to figure out the error now the error involves modules requiring each other

Mind sending the error, would help a bunch!

sure thing the error is:

Requested module experienced an error while loading  -  Server - Script:1

ive looked into it and they talk about it in this post

It should print another error most times, is there any other errors other then just that?

@IrisDev ope sorry I gave the wrong error

Requested module was required recursively  -  Server - mainModuleScript:3

Nevermind fixed the problem I just manually required them all