How can i make a skill go to every direction i want?

I’m trying to make a skill that’s go exactly in front of the player, most precisely in the direction he’s want, if the player want a skill go up, the skill go up

seriously? nobody going to be able to help me with this?

People aren’t guaranteed to help you when you make a support thread. You can increase the likelihood of getting a useful reply by editing your post to include more info. Explaining how the script currently works, any approaches you’ve tried, and any ideas you have to make it work will make your thread more appealing. People tend to ignore a thread when it’s just a couple walls of code.

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Are you saying that I waited for hours, when no one else, besides a respectable guy from the forum community like you, had the attitude of simply asking for a better explanation? did people just ignore? I’m getting amazed by this forum

There’s a lot of posts, my guy, and it’s not the responsibility of other users to audit post quality.

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It just a question about respect, if people dont have it…but okay, thank you by the attention

No one is under any obligation to assist you, and it’s not a question of respect. It’s a mater of ability to help and if said person feels like helping.

those who have respect are also able to help, but I will not discuss this here anymore, because it will be far from the objective of this post, and continuing with a discussion is a waste of time, each one with their conviction and philosophy of life. :zipper_mouth_face: