What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
Usually in roblox, when you place a sound inside of a part, it only plays from the center position. I want my sound to play from the whole part, not just the center. -
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
The sound only plays from the center -
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I have made a script that moves a part to the camera cframe position.X and camera cframe position.Z so that the sound will follow the camera simulating the effect I want, however, I was hoping there is an easier solution because I want to set up sound parts onmy procedurally generated terrain where there is water.
I had the same dilemma - the only solution i could find was to set the roll off distance of the sound to half the size of the zone (it was a square zone). I would be interested to know if there is an alternative.
Do you just want the sound to play for the player when in a zone (not the whole server)? why not just make a local script that plays the sound when you detect the player in the zone? For example of you use collection service to tag the zones, the local script could detect when in one and play the sound. You could even associate a StringValue with each zone holding the sound ID so different sounds can play depending on the zone.
No, I need the sound to come from the zone for directional audio.
You can try using Region3, the server will handle the zone and whenever a character is in it, we can check whether the character belongs to a player or if it’s an NPC, if it’s a player, then we could fire a client event, then a local script will play the zone sound if the sound isn’t already playing.
EDIT 1: I fixed an oopsie
I want the sound to play from area, not just while you are in it. For example, in real life, you can hear a river from wherever you are if you are standing close to it. This is the effect I’m trying to achieve, and I need directional audio. I have a solution as stated but it’s very complicated and I’m hoping there’s an easier way because I need to generate these sound zones as players walk.
really need a fix for this