How Can I Make a Sound Play from All Around a Part, not just the Center

The issue I’m facing is that I want a sound to play throughout my entire island, but the default way Roblox handles sounds seems to cause it to play globally, which isn’t ideal for my atmosphere. It feels unnatural to hear the sound from everywhere on the island at once.

To try and solve this, I put a sound inside of a the mesh, expecting it to play throughout the part, but instead, it only plays from the center of the part. This becomes an issue because, with my ocean mesh, the sound only plays from the center of the mesh, rather than surrounding the player as they walk around the island.

Does anyone know how to make a sound play evenly across a part,

*note I do not want to use audio regions such as a player hears music in a the shop area.

Thanks in advance! :100:

Place the sound under an attachment,
and clone that attachment as many times as needed and place the clones evenly seperated away from eachother,

will make it only play while the camera is inside of the part

It is possible by the volumetric audio featute, but it doesn’t work on meshes, only on parts, like cylinder, block, sphere, wedge.
You should find a property to enable it under the SoundService.

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As @BubasGaming said, volumetric sound only works with Parts.
I’ve used a 2048x1x2048 Part for my ocean sounds as well. I placed it just under the surface of Terrain water. You could make it deep enough that the sound plays deeper as well if you want. I made the MinRollOffDistance 0 and the MaxRollOffDistance around 5, so that when a player walks up on shore they no longer hear the sound even though the sound brick is only a few studs below the surface of the Terrain on the island.
Also make the RollOffMode InverseTapered so it doesn’t cut off instantly.

@MayhemCalamity if you do it under an Attachment it’ll play from that point only. Spreading them out would issues because you can’t properly overlap a bunch of circle shaped sounds without having doubled up sounds where they overlap, or dead zones between the circles.

@Wertyhappy27 it sounds more like they want the sound to be around the Part, not just inside it.


unoptimized, that will just cause more cpu strain.

Hi what ocean sound id do you use to try this out ? Thanks !

fillingoutchar…123… 2523360050

I used one of the ocean sounds from the toolbox. Make sure it’s looped and doesn’t have a pause or noticeable sound change when it loops back to the beginning.

Um ya…. I was seeing if you could share the actual id # of a good looping ocean sound …


I think you’re confused here. That IS the ID.


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