How can I make a story game server/lobby system?

The title was the best I could think on how to describe it, some games have it to where you can create a group like this:

I’m attempting to create a horror game and I’m trying to make those little group things that people join and it shows the members, then they tp to the story game and etc, though Idk.
I don’t know any of it’s technology and how it’s even possible, is there a documentation on this, or a video that explains it/open sourced way?

Much appreciated!


You Mean Like Camping ? Im Not Actually Good At Scripting Tbh

I believe camping has a part that collects the players, here’s an example of the menu I’m trying to replicate

Inside this game, you create a “room”, I’m not sure how this is even done efficiently, any leads?

I Think I Ever Heard About This System, Somehow Similar To Task Force. In Task Force You Create a Party To Make a Full Squad, Is This The System Your Trying To Achieve ?

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I’ve never tried doing these before, But i assume you want to let players create their own Group and allow other players around all the other servers join it, Right?

Well, If it’s that, The best thing i can think of is trying to use MessagingService and MemoryStoreService, So, Let me explain how i think it can work:

  • You can use MessagingService and Subscribe the Servers into a topic called “Matchmaking”, Once the Topic is Received, You can kind-of try creating a table on the Server and name It something like “PlayerName-LOBBY”, You can also subscribe it to another topic such as “MatchmakingUpdate” — It can be used to update the tables among servers, So whenever a player joins the Lobby, It updates to all the servers.

  • MemoryStoreService can be used to store something like Skill-levels? Or maybe recent matchmakings? Or even to communicate between servers.

  • For last, Once the table is updated and filled, You can try teleporting the Players into the game that you want to. And whenever they delete the Lobby it’ll also delete for other servers (Which can be also subscribed to another topic, “MatchmakingDelete”)


When you create a room, you essentially creating a table, and when other players click join on their screens in a localscript you can fire a remote event to add those players into the room of the host and then when the host wants to start a game use teleportservice and reserve a server where the story actually starts


I was once friends with the creator of this game and I know how they did it but I won’t fully tell how it all works because of reasons.

So they used TeleportToPrivateServer() and ReserveServer().

Remote Events were also used. (Pretty obvious.)

So that’s basically all.
I cannot tell more because of reasons but you can use tutorials about camping and modify the code a bit.

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That’s fine, it has already been solved a month ago, and I did end up making it! :slight_smile: