How can i make a system where you can buy characters from the menu

I want to create a script that will change the character when selected I also want to make certain characters a price so if the player does not have enough money for it he/she cant buy it

I cant find any solutions to this ive found a few videos on how to change characters but none of them deal with buying characters from a menu

Well, clearly there aren’t any scripts on how to make a shop to sell specific things. We aren’t making scripts for you, we are fixing your scripts.

This is not complex, grab the tutorial of changing characters you already found and add the shop to it. Check if the user has enough coins and if so then change his character.

Try to script it yourself, if it doesn’t work we’ll fix it for you. We won’t make a script for you

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Alright fair enough I mainly posted this to see if anyone here had a link to a tutorial

Use datastores, datastores save data, you can use that to save which characters the user has, you can find a lot of datastore videos on Youtube & :smile:

You are required to use remote events for this, so if you don’t know how to use remote events, you might need to learn them.

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