How can i make a tool equip on the left hand

I was planning on making a bow, and i realised that you draw the arrow with your dominant hand.

So since the tool is attached to the right hand (somehow), it is a problem.

So i guess my questions are:

  • How is the tool attached?
  • With what, is said tool attached? (weld, motor6D, ect…)
  • How can i change it?

Any answear is appreciated.


With what, is said tool attached? (weld, motor6D, ect…)

I think it uses Motor6D.

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Well now it’s just the “where” left.

I pulled it out by listening Tool Equipped function, The RequiresHandle was set to false on my tool, so i can weld it when equips.

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Well we at least know what we are looking for.

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I’m gonna reused that method for my hammer tool that knockbacks anyone that hits.

Might wanna take note of this?

i know this is kinda late but this is what ur looking for

 local LHand = -- However u get to the hand
 local leftgrip = LHand.LeftGripAttachment.WorldCFrame
 local WeaponHandle = --ur weapons handle

 WeaponHandle.CFrame = leftgrip
 local weld ="Weld")
 weld.Part0 = LHand
 weld.Part1 = WeaponHandle

and since its welded just make your animations as if u had a 2 swords