Hey, everyone!
So, I’m currently building a hotel. I’m currently building the bathroom items, and wanted to know how to make a working shower.
Is this possible? I can’t find any tutorials on youtube on how to do this.
Try something like water particles, and add a button to disable and enable them.
Just make a button with a clickdetector, once the clickdetector is fired make it so that the particlemitter inside the shower head is enabled by doing
local ShowerOn = false
If ShowerOn == false then
ParticleEmitter.Enabled == true
ShowerOn = True
ParticleEmitter.Enabled = false
ShowerOn = false
Learn to use ParticleEmitters and make a script where when you press a ClickDetector, the emitter is enabled
Also, YouTube is not going to help you with everything specifically just for you: you’ll use YouTube to learn about the available resources, then apply your knowledge to make it
Thanks for the replies! This really helped!
The Suburban place template has an example of working showers and so does the toolbox, which you should’ve searched before going here. YouTube alone isn’t enough as a place of search for this.
You could get a particle effect coming from the water spout. To turn it on/off, you can have a click detector button at a handle setting the active property on the effect to be false or true. If you need help scripting this, let me know.
I’ll feel free to help!