How can i make abilities replace one another when obtained?

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to make obtaining an ability replace the current ability, something like how eating a fruit in blox fruits/gpo replaces the entire kit that you already had.

  2. What is the issue? i just dont know how to do this.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? i looked for solutions but didnt really find any, i thought of making a module script, so when i got an ability, i’d reset the walkspeed, jumpspeed etc back to default then activate the ability module of the ability i just got, but this wouldnt work for actual abilities like casting spells.

For more clarification, i kinda know what to do if i gained an extra speed ability and then get a power-up that gives me extra jump, i’d just have to make a module function that resets player speed/jump height/player health back to default then change the jump height so i can replace the speed AND also replace the jump height when getting another power-up. The main problem is that i dont know how to reset things back to default when i have actual abilities like teleporting and fireballs, do i just make a variable that allows you to do these abilities when true, then set it to false when im resetting?

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