How can i make air combo

I wanna make air combo, but i don’t know. Like how can i make that when a my character is freefalling and hit another character and when another character got hit i want them to float in the air for a few seconds before they fall to the ground. Like Anime Battle Arena air combo like in this example .
And i want to know how to start a air combo like in this gif .
At first i used bodyvelocity but it’s turned out pretty bad, It’s dosen’t like what i want to make at all.
So if you guys have any ideas on how to air combo like these 2 gifs(ABA) pls tell me.

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I would start by checking out these resources. If you stick with the standard humanoid, you can use its state to determine what abilities to ‘cast’.

See HumanoidStateType and Humanoid:GetState.

Mostly Body Velocities. If you set the MaxForce of the Y axis to a huge number, but keep the Z and X at 0, you might accomplish the floating effect you’re looking for.

I tried your methods but my character falling slowly or they just flew up in the air.

Maybe on the combo that makes the dummy go into the air, repeatedly set its CFrame to the cframe of your character obviously rotating it 180 degrees so its facing you until the air combo is over

Nevermind guys, I got it. Thanks for helping anyway. :sunglasses:


Sorry to reopen, but how did you do this?

he probably used the bodyposition bodymover

how ( oml 30 letter bruh so annoyin )