Hi everyone, I was trying to make a clan system for my game, or rather I made one. But I’m sure it’s done quite badly. I made it through the usual DataStore where all clans are in 1 key. And with the help of MessagingService I handled player joining a clan and so on.
But there is a huge downside to all this. It is that I can not change each clan separately and save its statistics. For example, I have 2 clans in the table {Pro = {Info = “fdsfsd”}, Noob = {Info = “saaasdsad”}}. And for example in Pro clan I want to change Info and save it with UpdateAsync. But through the usual DataStore where all clans are in 1 key it is dangerous to do it. Because with a large number of clans you can reach the limit on UpdateAsync and there is a chance of losing all the data.
So I would like to know. Which datastore is better to use for clans. So that I can process each clan separately but at the same time I have 1 single datastore. So that I can see all clans for global leaderboards.
I haven’t found any information on the internet, so I’m really interested in how this can be done. I also use Profile Service for my games.