Drives in a straight line forever until the map ends.
Spawns the player inside of a (available) seat.
Issue is that I have no idea on how to do anything on that list… I can only set the server size to 4 if that’s even close to any of those listed.
I don’t know how to do any of these and I need help on figuring out something since I don’t have a solution.
I will say that this is suppose to be a remade version of ‘late night drive’ (late night drive - Roblox) so if you need extra details you can look in that game. Thanks.
Set the humanoid’s jump power to 0 once they enter the vehicle (write humanoid.UseJumpPower = true first)
Just have 4 seats in the car so no one else can get in (your method works too)
Straight line makes it much easier. Have an attachment and a linear velocity in the car’s primary part (movement part) to move it in a straight line forever. Just destroy the velocity when you reach the end of the map
When the player activates a prompt in the car loop through all the seats and check if they have an occupant, and if they have then skip it. If there isn’t one then seat the player inside it
function GetSeat()
for _,seat in pairs(workspace.AICar.PassengerSeats:GetChildren()) do
if seat.Occupant then continue end
return seat
return nil
local seat = GetSeat()
if seat then
function GetSeat()
for _,seat in pairs(workspace.AICar.PassengerSeats:GetChildren()) do
if seat.Occupant then continue end
return seat
return nil
local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local seat = GetSeat()
if seat then
I suppose this is what you wanted? Also the seats need to be “Seat” instances