How can i make an inventory system?

Hello again people! I want to make a inventory system which checks how many children a player has in its inventory and clone the slots the quantity of tools (13 tools = 13 slots) then show the tools the player has inside the slots.

It needs just needs one thing:

The player see the items


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Does the inventory of the players is managed by a Module? or just mere Tool instances inside a Player backpack?

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There is an local script inside the InventoryUI that manages the player’s backpack and the UI

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i can say how i did this:
when player joins, game datastore gets amount to stored items (because it must saved as player leaves), and after that, special module synchronizes backpack valus with loaded one’s. then ui just updates, and when player presses on chosen tool, client fires a server to clone this tool into player backpack. however, player can press on tool button until tool value amount greater than zero. if that value became zero, button just hides.

P.S. this method isnt good and secure since player backpack gui values can be hacked, and datastore may fall down (roblox issue)

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What is an special module? and how can it sync with the gui?

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well uh, just a module script with update function which calls in main backpack gui localscript

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Oh, ok.
I will see if i can do a module script based on your answer (it don’t looks hard).