How can I make building look better?

Im never built much but I wanna start building a military base for a game I wanna attempt. I just wanna know how I can make these buildings not so bland on the outside. The buildings purpose is just a server room so its nothing crazy. What little details could I add and changes I can make.

Well depending on what the building is being used for, you could add some antennas, satellite dishes, or generators on the roof. You could also add some decals to the exterior walls that represent the military you are creating. Just some suggestions.

It looks good though!


Use custom textures, search for them in the toolbox and you will find collections of various different textures, add them wherever it looks too plain.

Also, make details like you can divide the background wall into 3 parts, the windows having the same part and the vent thing having another of a slightly different colour and move the part slightly backwards (or forwards).
This will give the whole thing a little depth and textures could fix the emptiness

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I would move the windows further apart because they are too close to the middle part

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