How can i make destructible meshes or models

I am making a game where i need destructible objects i want them to destroy realistically is there a way i can do this with meshes (I use blender) if not what is the best way to do this with parts. I also want the parts to destroy after 3 seconds of being broken.

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What do you mean by destroyed realistically?

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They can be blow up and any parts that are connected to them and not anything else Break

Make a new Humanoid inside the part and check for the Humanoid’s health everytime it changes. If it’s 0 or below, destroy the part.


You could use weld constraints and whenever the model is ‘destroyed’ you could destroy those weldconstraints. Alternatively, you could set the anchored to false.


Is there any way i can do this with a mesh ?

Just make the mesh into different parts.

Do not do this. You can just use a value if you really want to take this approach.


Is there a way i can get all the pieces in the right place and how will i split it that accurately

If you want it to split a specific way every time (so for example, part A always moves up by however much and part B always moves left by however much) you’ll probably have to manually script that. There’s a bunch of different ways you can do that, with animations, tweens, CFrame, constraints, etc. Animations might be the easiest route, but not necessarily the best route and it’d still require some set up.

If, however, you don’t care about the explosion going out in a specific way, it’s as simple as setting the parts/meshparts/unions (So long as it’s a BasePart, you’ll be fine) to unanchored, welding them together using either WeldConstraints or surface welds, and then breaking the joints of them whenever you want to trigger the explosion and applying some velocity to them so they move. You can also use the Explosion class to achieve this same effect.

As for splitting the mesh, you’ll simply have to split it apart in whatever program you originally worked on it and manually reimport the individual parts and position. If you don’t have access to the original mesh file you’re probably out of luck.

Just split the mesh up into different pieces, reimport them into Studio, and put them back together the right way.

Thanks for your help i will try today on my first model