How can I make dust appear when the walkspeed changes?

I would like to have some sort of dust particles appear under the character when they start running (walkspeed increases). Here’s an example from Super Mario 3D World.
I’ve looked around the DevForums and Google a ton and I don’t really understand how I could add this. I have the running set up, I just need to know how I could add the dust particles.

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You can use this to create the particles when walking, and simply check if it the player has the desirable walkspeed.
Hopefully this helps, if it doesn’t I can try to help more!


Roblox has a class for this named “Trails”, it essentially handles a lot of the math for you.

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You could do remote functions/events. Or simple code lines like

if player.Walkspeed > 10 then
YourParticle.Visible = true

else if player.Walkspeed < 10 then
YourParticle.Visible = false
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