How can I make it when a certain user joins a game, all the users playing the game gets a badge?

If I wanted to join a game, and then people get a badge when I join, example: You met the owner!


How can I make this possible?

Simple, make an on player joined event, and reward them the badge ID. If you need an example script, I can provide that. :smiley:

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I asked a similar question a while ago. Here is the post it has some things that could help. :smiley:

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Anything is useful! (:slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you in advance.

Here is an example script, I think will work for you.

My apologies, I was thinking you wanted a “You played a game” type of badge system, in this case this would be the code;

local BadgeService  = game:GetService("BadgeService")
  BadgeService:AwardBadge(player.UserId, BadgeID)

If you wanted a creator badge system, you should go with @GamingBroCoolkid328 's thread.