How can i make magnitude checks from server

how can i do it on serverside not client

and i need to know what i need to do in order to make my script

What are you trying to get the magnitude of?

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i am trying to get magnitude of the ball to the player so i can prevent firetouchinterest exploits

local Ball = --pathtoyourball
local player = --define your player from remote event or whatever your using to keep record of your players

local distance = player:DistanceFromCharacter(Ball.Position)

EDIT: this takes distance between the ball and the players head’s position and not humanoidrootpart position

how can i calculate the distance between ball and player when ball is touched by player

You can use .Touched events for that

local Ball = script.Parent --or the path to your ball

   local model = hitpart:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model")
   local humRp = model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")

   if model and humRp and game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(model) then
      local distance = (humRp.Position - Ball.Position).Magnitude

If the PLAYER and the BALL are TOUCHING, then their distance is 0…

no like it will prevent the player from touching the ball from far away with firetouchinterest

it gives index nil with findfirstchild as error

Try moving the humRp variable inside the if statement

ty for your help but one more question how can i make the player stop touching the ball when magnitude is more than magnitude that i calculated like if magnitude is = 4 when i touched when i touch from far away magnitude is = 5 how can i make it stop touching (sorry for bad english and explanation)

Updated the script a little

local ball = script.Parent

	local model = hit:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model")
	local player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(model)
	if model and player then
		local humRp = model.PrimaryPart
		local distance = (humRp.Position - ball.Position).Magnitude

ty i already did that i just have to figure out how to stop player from touching the ball

local Ball = script.Parent --or the path to your ball

	local model = hitpart:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model")

	if model and game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(model) then
		local humRp = model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
		local distance = (humRp.Position - Ball.Position).Magnitude
		if distance > 5 then
	    -- need help here

Log the player or their userid into a table and if the player touches the ball again and the player or player’s userid is present in the table then ignore

i dont want to make player get ignored by the ball i just need to know how to make player stop touching the ball

You could teleport the player a few studs away from the ball, other than that there really isn’t another way to force the player to stop touching it other than ignoring the player

i see thank you for respond ig