How can i make main frame change the slot's size

I made this UI for something I needed but from my screen it looks perfect and just the way i wanted but on different screen sizes, I can’t seem to get the slots to change their size as they stay in their original size so is there a way to fix it? "I used UIAspectRatioConstraint, but it doesn’t seem to work + UIGridLayout

This is what it looks normally on my screen

and this is what it looks like on small screens

if anyone can help me with this, it would be grateful :smiley:

Use a sizing plugin, it would help!

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Use the screen proportion value on the grid layout. for example [0.2,0,0.1,0] By this you use proportion instead of pixels so it auto adjusts to other devices. Change the 0.2 and 0.1 to your liking.

Its take up 0.2 on the height i think and 0.1 of the screen on width. hope this helps (im not very good at explaining stuff)


Yes, that fixed my problem, as it was with the UiGrid thingy. Thank you for this :smiley:

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