How can I make multiple limbs as a group point at my mouse

Hi there, I am trying to find out how to make my right arm and left arm point to mouse.Hit.Position using CFrame.LookAt(). The issue is, is that the motor6D’s C1 do not lookat the mouse position while being in first person. It is to also note that I have a idle animation for the arms.

What happens (You can see that when my camera is pointing below, the arms stay in its position and do not move):


local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()

	local leftarm:Motor6D = char:WaitForChild("Torso")["Left Shoulder"]
	local rightarm:Motor6D = char:WaitForChild("Torso")["Right Shoulder"]

		leftarm.C1 = CFrame.lookAt(mouse.Hit.Position,leftarm.C1.Position)
		rightarm.C1 = CFrame.lookAt(mouse.Hit.Position,rightarm.C1.Position)

You’re using the mouse’s current 3D position as the ‘lookAt()’ constructor’s origin when it should be used as its direction instead.