How can I make my BillboardGuis look better?

Hi there, in my game I am making cool overhead nametags, I’m trying to think of a way to make over 100 nametags look unique and cool.

I feel very limited using UI gradients to make my nametags look unique, what is another way I could make my overhead nametags look unique.

So far I just have two things:

  • Using UI Gradients
  • Animating UI gradients

What is another way I can make my overhead tags look different and unique? I need at least 100 of them, how could I make them look different and special?

Some tags so far:




Try making flashing colors, as in flashes black or white or maybe a fire nametag? Where it has a red and orange animation. I feel like those would maybe look good. Also try playing around with font, sometimes that’s all it takes to make something look great to something that looks amazing.

Awesome but this is the same as the animated UI gradients!

Using the typewriter module you can make a pretty neat design out of that. UI Animations | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub