How can I make my buildings look better?

I’m developing a space themed CTF game,it is my first game so I’m not very good at building ,someone told me that my buildings are messy or not detailed,I tried to improve it but I have not a precise idea, how can I make it look better?


I can’t help much but to say the neon and lighting are too bright compared to the environment. Suggest lower the intensity a bit. or brighten the room.

By the way. Is the map played interior or exterior?

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What do you mean for interior and exterior ?

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In the map. Do people play only inside the buildingm or they can go outside?

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They go outside to raid the enemy’s fortress

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The lighting is quite dim, especially the interior, at least from the pictures you took. That could imporve the quality of the build.

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If I’m not mistaken, this is some sort of capture the flag game if so I feel like the map is very empty it doesn’t look messy it just looks unfinished and doesn’t feature the right objects to resemble a flag game.

The lighting isn’t the main problem? If I’m understanding your question correctly. It really depends, since you’re going for a space theme, maybe have something simple in the area like a proper base details on the map maybe floating objects something to match with the setting. Something similar to a (Arena map) it’s placed in space but it holds a bunch of details the reason people said your map looks messy and not detailed because it lacks a bunch of details such as space objects and a base.

Add something small like a obstacle they have to go over to get the flag from the other base a player gets a reward for once completed, nothing to special but it will help keep players in the game and active. Maybe some small decorations floating around or in the area could be rovers, craters, meteors, rocks some space features.

If you take a look at this space map it features proper details try something like that or get ideas from images or existing games. Something to keep players entertained while they get the flag.


image 2


To decrease the brightness of the .Neon bricks, you can go to Lighting.Intensity and reduce it, because at the moment it is quite bright.

The game is still in ita first stages of development,its normal that the map is empty,but I Will improve it


What game is that ?I’m curious

A simple search could find you the games name or image however it’s called (Nijoo CTF Base).

Although, since you explained a bit more on the game this is the first stage map I feel like not much needs to be added, however, since you’re going for a space theme kind of layout maybe looking at the images above could give you a better idea on what to add to your build to make it more unique or you could have some good ideas in your mind to throw on your map.

That would be extremely good when working on your stages easier way to remember and find ideas on changes you need to make later on your game.

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Try adding more shape to your buildings. Add some parts on the wall to make the buildings less flat.

On your fourth screenshot, you should add some supports to the red/blue buildings so the building looks more natural. Supports should also be added to the staircases in the first screenshot.

Fill in the corners, like the neon around the door. I’d recommend getting a plugin like GapFill to do that.

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Personally I suggest giving the buildings more shape rather than just making them a plain box,

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Hello, you are heading down the right track, and if you keep trying you will improve greatly. The main thing I would suggest, is filling the gap in this, making the corners look smoother

Another suggestion would be the use of textures. Adding in textures could greatly improve your build.

Hope This Helped!
Happy Developing

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You mean that I should add a decal ?

As a part. You can use a plugin called gap fill.

I heard it but I don’t know how to use it

You could improve the look by adding some details on the wall, it’s quite bland. For example neon strips?

I already added neon strips add the corners of the building,maybe the photoes are not updated ,I was thinking about inserting a decal with metallic textures.

Ill give you a video showing how to use it.