How can I make my game-loop more interesting?

Hey, I’m currently in the process of making a minigame round-based game. To put it simply, it’s quite similar to the game Epic Minigames. Even though the art direction and much of the gameplay I have in mind is different or unique, it still has the same game-loop which has grown quite generic. (Intermission, Minigame, Rewards, Intermission, Minigame… you get it.)

How can I make this more exciting and unique? How would you go about doing it?

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Why not try adding different game modes for the minigames to spice things up a little?


First of all, don’t copy too much minigames.

You can make special rounds, like: If you die you explode, fast round, double XP, etc. I haven’t seen any Minigame with that.


You could try working with more layers of variation, such as every 4 rounds, it picks from a specific set of minigames. You could also try implementing some kind of macro game, by treating every 12 rounds as a mini story/competition. Players see their scores and how the line-up changes between each round, and then after the final round, there is a big ceremony for the winners. Or better yet a big minigame where the winners play some special role.


I really like this idea, I’m not sure how I would go about doing it yet, but it’s exciting, so I’ll give it more thought! As you go through the rounds, you could see your score and how they compare to the other players, making it more competitive!

I’m not sure how or if I would like to make a large ceremony for the winners, but they would definitely get special prices or extra rewards. The idea to give them a special role in an extra minigame afterwards is interesting and seems fun! Thank you for your help!

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I’ll definitely consider this, I’m not sure how I would go about doing it yet, but I’m sure something like this will make the game more exciting and less monotonous.

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Instead of every round being totally separate, you could have some things carry over. Maybe each game mode can be modified in one way or another depending on the outcome of the previous one? Or maybe it could be organized in like a “campaign” of 3 rounds, where each subsequent one has higher rewards and difficulty? Or maybe rewards increase slightly for every round you win in a row, resetting when you loose a round?