I recently finished my simulator game and am struggling to retain players.
How can I increase player retention and make the game more engaging?
Does the game lack something? Is it too difficult, or too easy perhaps?
The D1 Retention for the game is stuck around 2.2% which is pathetic.
Please check the game out and let me know what you think: Break Simulator (GameLink)
honestly I think the game is too repetitive and too similar to the other simulators. Players will leave your game mostly because they are bored of cutting again and again. You should add some events happening in-game. (ex. on weight lifting sim. there are fights on rings every x minutes).
Also maybe you should make the map less repetitive and bigger (the main map is really small and there are just few houses and then just trees and rocks).
Hope this helps.
I played your game for a bit. Here’s what I have to say:
-The game needs much faster early game progression: the game feels far too slow, so try making it easier to get things such as coins and axes
-Add item drops or just features that help you to progress through the game much faster
-Give the player something more interesting for the player to work towards e.g extremely rare items
-Make the map layout easier to understand: what I mean by this is make it much easier to see where to go for things such as the shop and breakable objects
-Make it much easier for you to go to/ teleport to places such as the shop: try to minimise time inbetween progression